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Global Private Equity Group

We Tread The Paths Less Traveled Turning Lead Into Gold


لتَّصَوُّف‎ خلق عالم جديد أكثر إشراقا للجميع

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A Hybrid Fund

VC + Hedge

Trismegistus Capital is a Private Hybrid Fund, Investing in Intellectual property in the tech sector and in an AI traded U.S. Mid Cap + Blue chip stock portfolio

With a 30/70 Hedged Split

Our Fund is Taking Off, Contact Us Below To Come Along For The Ride.

Find out what Trismegistus Capital can do for your Laboratory.

Trismegistus capital invests in the most cutting edge technology before it leaves the university laboratory. Balancing high risk investments with a bedrock of blue chip and Precious metals.  Prospecting the field of academic research to Identify entire new industries at their conception. We Tread the paths less traveled Turning lead into gold 




Pre Launch Venture Capital Investment

The Early Bird Gets the Wormhole

Our Partners in Science provide the Technology We provide the Company.

We work with the most exclusive Family Offices and Private Equity Partners in the World.

We invest in technologies while they are still in the research labs, and bring them to market at a global scale

Intellectual Property-> Equity-> Product-> Cashflow

Getting the best ideas out of academic science and into the world



Our fund is named after Hermes’-Trismegistus the deified Djedi wiseman of ancient Egypt and Greece, who created the philosophy that guided the Tris Megi, or Three Magi of the Bible. The worlds most famous equestrian leather shop takes his name and so do we.

Like Hermes We have a discerning eye for detail- Our Fund has no interest in technology lacking humanitarian application or technology that is not Kosher in a Judeo Christian Sense

in fact our network of hedge funds will invest ruthlessly in competing technologies to those of Anti-Christian origin. Human RFID implants for example. We target such companies until they file for bankruptcy,

For example with our partners we invested in Pine Phone The Christmas tree phone-

The only smartphone that actually respects the Constitutional right to privacy.

When someone gives you two options Choose option three because

the two option choice was actually a manipulation technique developed in The Soviet Union in the 1950’s

Discovering Treasures in The Tech Sector

making money work like magick


There’s an analogy there

Pitch us your Technology, and you just might end up as the CTO of your own Technology Firm.

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